Within the past year we have noticed an upturn in the number of our customers choosing to shop in store rather than online. The pandemic had changed consumer behaviour to the largest majority shopping online. Here at Born & Bred we had to react quickly and ensure our online store had all our products available. This ensured our customers could still enjoy our products even if they couldn't visit us in store.
This new shift in behaviour highlights customers now seeking an experience from their retail purchases. Meaning online purchasing isn’t providing customers with the same satisfaction that an in-store purchase can bring. Providing customers with a positive in store experience has resulted in increased customer loyalty, with 74% of consumers more likely to purchase based on experience alone. The first half of 2023 has definitely confirmed this as in store we have seen a rise in the number of customers visiting us in person. We love meeting our customers face to face!

Retail customers are eager to have any queries or problems answered and resolved as soon as possible. Our team is continuing to grow with Lucy recently joining the team as a retail assistant. We now have the extra resources to go the extra mile for our customers and ensure we provide them with the best customer service we can – with our added extras of some Belfast craic!
We are a family of loyal and talented people who place the needs of our customers at the core of what we do because this is what we’re known for. We take pride in ensuring we understand what our customers need and try our best to keep up with evolving trends!!
The World of Corporate Gifting
Corporate gift sales are on the rise this summer.
Our corporate clients have been requesting some exciting summer themed corporate gifts for both employees and clients in the past few weeks. This week we have been curating gifts for international students at Queens, as well as gifts to mark International Women in Engineering Day for BT Openreach. Summer themed gift boxes have included a mixture of our Summer Memories candle, cheeky wee gin mugs accompanied with our delicious honeycomb, as well as our new freshener collection.
Corporate gifting is the perfect way to reopen old conversations and re-ignite old relationships with potential clients. 66% of people are able to recall a brand name up to a year after receiving a gift! Leaving a lasting impression will put your brand or business at the forefront of people’s minds! And that's not just us saying it - the stats are there to prove it!!!
I currently have 76 boxes waiting to be packed by yours truly - so I better crack on. In the meantime why not have a nosy at our Pretty Much Me box below....
Catherine x
Starting your day with the amazing blend of Titanic Tea all the way to 5pm hits when you crack open the gin and accompany it with Northern Irelands best honeycomb and drink it from your 'Cheeky wee gin' enamel mug!!