Meaningful Employee Gifting | Top 3 Trends

Ensure your employees feel valued and respected within the workplace.

Planning employee gifts strategically can help improve business operations!

In the fast paced, digital world we live in – organisations are trying to find a balance between personal connections, employee wellbeing and ensuring business operations run smoothly. This has found an increase in the world of business gifting. In years gone by businesses felt obligated to gift at certain times of the year – particularly during the festive period. Now gifting has become a strategic plan incorporated in the annual work of many organisations.

Below I dive into 3 popular trends we have found from client requests as to when and why they gift.

1.   Monthly & Quarterly Employee Rewards

Many of our clients have found incorporating gifting consistently throughout the year has improved employee
motivations in their job role, as well as their involvement in workplace events. In the past, annual rewards were the only time many employers would have acknowledged or recognised the work of their employees. Times are definitely changing, and the expectations from employees are also rising. Employees are no longer only
interested in their pay check at the end of the month, they want to feel both fulfilled and appreciated.

Some of our clients have incorporated both monthly and quarterly reward systems, including rewards for reaching targets, going above and beyond, internal team events, and so much more.

2.   Celebrating Personal Milestones

Going the extra mile for your employees not only emphasises you appreciate the skills and work ethic they bring to your organisation, but also shows a genuine interest in your employee’s personal lives. Gifts we have arranged for personal milestones include, birthdays, anniversaries, and even events such as weddings and having a baby.

We love putting gift boxes together for personal milestones as they vary for each employee and no two are the same as they are designed with one specific employee in mind.

3.   Wellness Gifting and Mental Health Awareness Days

Prioritising employee wellbeing has become a priority for many organisations. We found a particular rise in this area since the COVD-19 pandemic as employers were touching base with employees working remotely.

Many businesses have realised the importance of supporting their employees around mental health. Our clients have increased gifting in this area by sending employee gifts that are focused on self-care and relaxation in their personal lives. We have also supported organisations with gifting specifically for mental health awareness days throughout the year. A number of our clients want to strengthen the message within their organisations that they
are dedicated to creating and maintaining a supportive workplace.  

Low cost

Employee Gifts

Our freshener range includes a variety of scents so there will definitely be one to suit each employee! For only £4.90 they are the perfect addition to any gift.


Our relationships with clients provide us with an insight into the benefits our gifts can bring to a variety of organisations. Meaningful gifting leaves a lasting impression that a generic gift will not have.

We would love to hear from you to see how we can assist your organisation with meaningful gifting!

Catherine x